Thursday, October 18, 2007

Len Rubin Z'L

Such a sad day. So we need a joke. Rabbi, Cantor and synagogue president were captured by cannibals. Before they were cooked, the cannibal chief offered each a request. The Rabbi said there was a two hour sermon he always wanted to give but his congregation would never stand for it so could he give it now? The cantor said he really wanted once in his life to daven the full Yom Kippur service for Musaf-it would take 3 hours. The synagogue president went last-the rabbi wants to preach for 2 hours and the cantor sing for 3? Cook me first.!!!

Not that many Jews love synagogue. Len did. Those who do, usually love cantors or rabbis, not both. Len loved both. He could listen to Benny sing forever, and he is the only synagogue president I have had who regularly told me I should talk longer because I had so much to say. Lenny loved to listen to Benny in Florida and when Benny decided he did not want a full time pulpit anymore, and was leaving the Boca synagogue, no problem for Lenny, he convinced him and EHNTJC to make a shidduch.
As for me, he and Allan shlepped to Midway that first time to pick us up and when he saw us-both over 48 at the time, he said kids, and could not get over what a beautiful rebbetzin he was getting. It was Allan and he and Charlene and Paula who wined us and dined us at the beginning, it was Allan and he who pulled me out of the interview to offer the job and it was Allan and he who, in his living room, worked out my deal to come here,
He loved Niles Township, filled in with Shelly Post when the cantor was gone Shabbat am, davened shaharit on Rosh Hashnah and minha and maftir Jonah on Yom Kippur, did an unforgettable duet with the Cantor on the Holidays, did at least a haftorah a month when he was in town, volunteered in the office constantly doing whatever needed to be done, was one of the main voiced I called when I needed advice about something, etc etc etc- past president past everything. As a new congregant, who did not know Len wrote about the high Holidays this year
“Thank you for allowing us to participate in the High Holidays! It was wonderful. The sermons were good and what a voice that Cantor has! Anyone who doesn't believe there's a G-d has never heard that guy sing! I especially liked the La Dor V' Dor duet with the older gentleman.
I know Jewish people aren't supposed to "proselytize" but between you and Gail's knowledge and sermon style and the Cantor and that choir and all the nice people at Ezra Habonim, it really should be on prime time television. “

This week’s parasha is Lech L:echa-when God called Abram to start the historic journey. He told Abram tht of course he would not be there to see it all unfold, but he was to embark on this journey. Debbie Friedman wrote a song based on those words
Lechi lach to a land that I will show you
Lech li-cha to a place you do not know
Lechi lach on your journey I will bless you
And you shall be a blessing, you shall be a blessing
You shall be a blessing lechi lach
Lechi lach and I shall make your name great
Lech li-cha and all shall praise your name
Lechi lach to the place that I will show you
Li-simchat chayim, li-simchat chayim
Li-simchat chayim lechi lach.
And you shall be a blessing, you shall be a blessing
You shall be a blessing lechi lach.
I’ve gotten used to Len going away about now with Charlene ,for the winter, which they loved to do. And we’d all miss them until they come back. Well, he’s not coming back this time, and we will get used to it, but it won’t be the same. May we all find comfort in his memory and may his memory be a blessing.

The funeral is Friday at Shalom Chapel.

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