Thursday, August 2, 2007

Environmental update

On the environmental front-in the news
1. New York Times editorial yesterday pushing for no buying of bottle water. Use tap water. You'll need a EHNTJC water bottle available soon. You'll save $1400 a year (if you drink 8 glasses a day bottled now), plus the oil they consume in making them could fuel 100,000 cars a year and only 23% now are recycled, so the rest fill up our landfills. Plus, how much gas is used to transport heavy water?

2. NYT yesterday reported Brazil has allowed a rainforest area the size of New Jersey every year to clear cutting. The negative environmental impact has started to hurt Brazil enough that they might be slowing that down.
3. NYT yesterday reported China is suffering huge and extreem weather and scientists there are suspecting warming. Maybe they will slow down their growth.
4. Projections are the world will consume 40% more energy by 2030 than we do now. Hope it will be non-fossil fuel.

There is a book out of 1001 ways to personally help. My High Holiday sermon wil have only 18.

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