Wednesday, August 29, 2007

News reflections

Quote: "Martin Buber and Mordechai Kaplan converge when they claim the ultimate task Judaism imposes upon us is to conduct oursleves with loving-kindness in the world."
Rabbi Feinsteins new book

Reflections on the news
The Kibbutz is coming back, not as a socialist entity but as a kind of suburban living. NYT Forward had an editorial of Israel's hidden crisis in the huge number of unworking Haredi fanatic men-cause huge numbers of children to live in poverty and do not serve in the armed forces. One started as socialist, hardworking secular movement, the other fanatic non working. Oh Israel is so interesting.

Chines pollution is so bad marathon runners last week gave up trying to finish. NYT
Rabbi Reflects: should make for an interesting, an unhealthy, Olympics.

New Florida Charter school is Hebrew language immersion. It's being fought on the Costitutional grounds of separation of Church and State. Question is-can you teach Hebrew and no Judaism?
Rabbi Reflcts: Early part of century, and still existing in small numbers, where secular Jewish Yiddish schools. They wee not paid for by tax dollars. In Brooklyn there is an Arabic charter school. Question there is being raised is will it foment terror. Principal was just fired for not protesting comment on jihad.

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