Thursday, July 25, 2013

We learned nothing from the Holocaust

We learned nothing from the Holocaust
We are so busy with Trevon and Weiner that we are not even discussing iran rapidly approaching the red line. My view. All BS that we have time to negotiate. Bibi said we have just "weeks". Sanctions are a joke. 2 years ago one of the Iranian nuk experts in the hall after the AIPAC rabbi fly in told me, when pressed privately, no way sanctions every stop Iran. Obama will never bomb, Israel doesn't want to start WW3, so Iran will get bombs, despite Obama's promise. I have no doubt US cities will be blown up by Iranian dirty nuclear bombs smuggled in by Hezbollah in suit cases in the next few years, and when they are able, they will send 10 nuks to Tel Aviv. MAD does not work with people wanting destruction to bring on the hidden Imam. Every Jewish organization has stopped pressing because they don't American Jews to be accused to fomenting war. It is WW2 all over again and we learned nothing.

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