Friday, August 24, 2012

Convert on the spiritual move

Why conversion work is so reJEWvinating
from a prospective Jew-by-choice today
Shabbat Shalom Rabbi,
Every week I try to add another mitzah and prayer.  I know we have a prayer for the bathroom and washing the hands, but do we have a prayer for showering or cleansing the body?
I have started wearing tzitzit and it makes me feel closer to G_d.  I like the reminder to do what is right.
We are growing as a family and I truly thank you.   Shabbat is such a welcomed event now.  Songs, food, family and praise of G_d does make the week ahead easier.  At first trying to do nothing physical on Shabbat was very taxing.  It tax time to learn to relax, read, pray and enjoy the day. We got rid of cable (because whenever we turned on the TV, there was "nothing on").  I am taking off on Saturdays now and planning my work week so that I can be home for sunset on Shabbat.  We all look forward to getting dressed and celebrating Shabbat.
There is a conservative shul about and hour and a half from us. We are going to start going there.  They have a bed and breakfast withing walking distance.
I hope you have a wonderful Shabbat.

Wish more born Jews were at where he is.

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